Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekday distractions: Part 1

Going out is a normal part of most first year’s experience at University. My going out experiences started somewhat slower than the rest of the other first years though. I had a lot of fun in O-week, but never totally let go and once lectures etc started I made sure that I only went out on weekend nights and not during the week. I can’t say that I wasn’t envious of all the girls in my res who would make an effort to dress up for Wednesday night theme parties at the Union while I conscientiously stayed in to work. The corridors on Wednesday evenings were always filled with laughter and the mad running around of girls looking for crazy outfits to wear. I would have loved to have joined them but a combination of shyness and not knowing how to approach them and wanting to take my work seriously meant that I never did. The first semester turned out to be a hellish one for me, but by the second semester I felt more settled, happier and the third term became my O-week. I started going out every weekend and at least one night a week if not more. I have since met many fantastic people and my group of friends has grown! We are right in the middle of fourth term, yet I still find myself tempted to go out during the week whether I have work to do or not. And for some reason Tuesday nights are the most tempting. No, not because of the R10 draughts served at The Rat on Tuesdays, but purely by coincidence. Take last Tuesday night for example: After getting back from the film festival, a friend came to visit and eventually I got dragged off to chill at a digs VIA the Old Gaol. Now, I don’t regret this at all, but I suffered from a lack of sleep the next day and a bit more work to do than necessary. The previous Tuesday was meant to be a quiet ice-cream at Steers, which turned into quiet R10 draughts at the Rat. The Tuesday before that was Cow Moon Theory, The Rat, The Old Gaol... etc etc etc. I have decided to give up fighting weekday distractions as they are not necessarily a bad thing. So long as I still manage to strike a balance between work and play without getting overly distracted, I should be fine...

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